
Medical Gas Equipment Maintenance

Medical and industrial gases systems are a standard and an essential feature of most healthcare and industrial facilities, and they require special monitoring and maintenance to ensure that they are operating properly.

Unlike other medical equipment and systems, the use of gas under pressure makes the supply systems vulnerable to a unique set of unexpected failures, which may not be readily apparent.

This makes medical gas preventive and corrective maintenance operations critical to a problem-free and safe working environment. With more than 60 years of experience, SOAL’s qualified and trained technical team is always ready to ensure that the medical and industrial gases systems are compliant and pass the inspection to ensure the safety of the patients and the presence of a worry-free industrial environment.

Maintenance team contact:

Tel:          +961-01692380 - 5   

                +961-26543381 - 9 

Hotline:  +961-03275457



All medical gas and vacuum systems (listed below) need to have a routine maintenance and replacement program:

- Cryogenic Gases Tanks

- Medical gases manifolds

- Medical and Industrial air compressors

- Vacuum systems

- Air treatment units and dryers

- Online and cylinders regulators

- Gas outlets

- Anesthesia gas scavenging systems (AGSS)

- Medical copper pipes

- Alarm systems

- Bed head units

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